


The Archiare family produces various citrus fruits, the company is located in Sicily and covers a surface of 28 hectares. Initially we sold our citrus fruits to various traders, and during the course of the years, we decided to start the marketing of our wholesale and retail products, founding the company ""Arcoria S.r.l"". We started working products from conventional agriculture, and depending on the needs of our customers, we also added a line of organic products. The products of our company are marked by two brands, ""Arcoria"" for the convectional product and ""Bio Arcoria"" for the organic product. The Archoria s.r.l company mainly sends the products in the northern markets, central Italy and Europe, moreover, periodically provides shops, supermarkets and Horeca groups. Transport is made by professional agencies, at controlled temperature. The packaging are: wood, cardboard, Ifco, CPR and Girsak, placed on Pallets of the Epal type, industrial. Our oranges are rich in nutrients thanks to the special biological cultivation and a method that involves abandonment of all genetically modified chemicals and organisms and we are sure we have a fresh and refined food. In 2023 our company continues to grow, adding new typical Sicilian products such as: creams, preserves in oil, olives, jams, patés and plagues.

