
Davide Scianca Artworks

Davide Scianca Artworks

Biography: Davide Scianca, born in Milan on May 17, 1972, is a designer and sculptor of fantastic and surrealist inspiration. It has always undergone the charm of the fairytale world; of classical, grotesque and neo-expressionist art. His art is more characterized by the creation of monochromatic designs, created through the exclusive use of a black ink pen. The technique used is instinctive and polymorphic; In continuous evolution and always in search, almost obsessive, of the ""wealth of detail"". The illustrative production is also enriched by the creation of three -dimensional creatures and fantastic objects, obtained through conventional and experimental modeling techniques, through assembly of mixed materials, as well as recycling. The ""organic/mechanical"" combination is at the source of its inspiration and research, with strong references to the cultural and artistic currents of the ""cyberpunk"" and ""steampunk"". Personnel taste, like its artistic inclinations, have roots in science fiction and horror cinema from the 70s to the 90s, more in the works of artists such as George Lucas, David Cronenberg, H.R.Giger and Tim Burton, who have deeply stimulated him since his adolescence. After finishing artistic studies with the diploma in 1990, he develops his first professional attitudes by working in the sector of special television and cinematographic effects, as a modeler and scenographer assistant. In the first half of the 90s he collaborated, as a sculptor for special effects, in the creation of ""Master"" architectural and scenographic elements for Eurodisney (Paris) and the creation of puppets and special objects for cinematographic and television productions. Since 1991, he has created numerous pictorial and small setting works for various business and private business businesses. From 2012 to today he exhibits in numerous personal fairs, comics and art galleries, also back from the first important exhibitions abroad at the Gallery and Hive Gallery cover (Los Angeles, California) and Kore Contemporary (Bern, Switzerland). Currently some of his works are also exhibited at Hrgiger Museum (Gruyeres, Switzerland).


Freizeit und Kreativität.

Die Produkte auf der Messe

  • - T original self-produced artifacts (creatures in general)

  • - Original paintings, made with Bic ballpoint pen or mix

  • - Prints on paper or other media, of original subjects

  • - Models of original creatures (film fx style)

  • - Self-produced surreal-style objects

  • - Lamps in the shape of houses, in DARK style and self-produced

  • - Personally made sculptures (e.g. carnivorous plants)

  • - Puzzles of original self-produced subjects

  • - Original self-produced sketches and pictures for collectors