The Red Cross of Milan, a recognized association of private law and public interest placed under the high patronage of the President of the Republic. The mission of the Red Cross of Milan is to prevent and relieve human suffering, protect life and health and guarantee respect for the human being. The principles of the Italian Red Cross are: - Umanit - born from the intention of bringing help without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefields, the movement of the red cross and red crescent, in the international and national field, works to prevent and soothe in each circumstance the suffering of men, to enforce the human person and protect their life and health; It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace among all peoples. - Impartiality - The movement makes no distinction of nationalities, race, religion, class or political opinions. It strives to alleviate the suffering of people solely based on their needs, giving the priority to the most urgent cases. - Neutrality - In order to continue enjoying everyone's trust, the movement opens from participating in hostility of any kind and political, racial and religious disputes. - Independence - The movement is independent. National societies, such as auxiliaries of the humanitarian services of their governments and subjects to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they can be able to act in accordance with the principles of movement at any time. - Universalitava - The international movement of the red cross and red crescent, within which all national societies have equal rights and the duty to help each other, is universal. - Voluntarity - The movement is a voluntary rescue institution not guided by the desire for gain. - Unit - In the national territory we can be a single association of Red Cross, open to all and with extension of its humanitarian action to the entire national territory.