
Coop. Agr. Madonna del Rosario

Coop. Agr. Madonna del Rosario
The coop. AGR. Madonna del Rosario was born in 1977 and then proposed to increase, Enhance and protect agricultural products and companies of individual members within the framework of the Generali Orientations of the national economy and the objectives of the agricultural policy of the M.E.C. In particular the cooperative proposes: - The collection, processing, the transformation of the products conferred by individual members, in particular the olives for the production of oil; - conservation, the placement in common and the use of products and by-products obtained from social work; - Ensure members the appropriate technical means for the cultivation and marketing of products, providing goods and services useful for land management (supplies of fertilizers, anticrystogamances, seeds, plants and agricultural tools). Since September 1994 the cooperative has created the new registered office in C.da San Bartolomeo a Monopoli, built thanks to the contribution of individual members, with the prospect of making the activity of the company more functional.

