

This is not the ""classical"" story of many brands for children in which the creators are super mothers, which, in addition to undertaking the adventure of maternity, begin to carry out products and articles that do not find in other brands and support parents in Growth of his children. We, Karen and Federico, with a past in the world of fashion and a strong experience in the commercial sector, we decided to create our brand. Why? ... in this case the idea was born directly from the raw material. We discovered the PIMA cotton during a sector fair and we fell in love with it. The incredible sensation of softness has remained impressed; After many reflections (in truth, not too many), we decided that the best option to enhance it and distinguish it from the classic cotton, was to create clothes for those who live the sweetest and most important years of life, children. Every idea and every dream needs your incubation period, and so it was. We left aside for a while, without force it. Until the time has arrived. Imagine that each entrepreneur has their own ... We are tired of life in the big city in which we worked for important companies, with numerous work teams, ambitious projects: everything was great, except satisfaction and our feeling of freedom. In September 2019, we decided that our time had come and we started working. We didn't know what he would take the 2020 year. But despite everything ... and it can be said that ""everything"" this year is a very broad term ... here we are! Happy to share our project with you, but above all with your children, who deserve all the tenderness contained in every head of our collection. we wish that When you are reading this brief presentation, you've already had the opportunity to touch our Pima cotton, to be able to understand what we're talking about and why we decided to launch it and make him know. And all this, we made him respecting the most precious thing for everyone: our planet. We are not perfect, nor do we expect to be. We know that we still have a long way to do to be even more respectful, but we are also among those who think every step and every gesture we do, of each of us, should go to this direction. So everything we can do to respect the resources of our planet and that it depends on us, we will do it.


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