


The beerban was founded in 2009 by an idea of ​​Paolo Pezziga who, after discovering in 1999 that beer could be done at home with little and simple equipment, began to dampen amusing the malt in pots and more and more large pots, Until reached 2007, the year he decided that his future would be. From that moment it is no longer enough to read them in the library or on the internet, but wanted to attend training courses in Italy and abroad; He also went to other breweries, helping brewers in production, exchanging opinions and doing research. In 2008 the entrepreneurial project began to make life with the identification of the Colorno plant, where the factory is still located today. The masonry, hydraulic and electrical works are immediately made. In 2009 the first machines arrive, including a three-tine hectolitre cooking system and a cellar with tanks for a total capacity of about 100 hectoliters. Also in 2009, the sighed authorization of customs arrives and production begins. In 2013 the cellar of tanks exceeds the 200 hectoliters and between these stands out a 65 hectolitre giant used especially for the summer production of the ""third media"", a low fermentation beer richest especially in summer festivals. Everything has already been prepared for the arrival of another giant from 65 hectoliters. The company has always been attentive to the environment: they are present on the roof of the applific solar panels capable of warming two thousand liters of water to about 60 degrees, used both in the production of the must and to warm the fermentation tanks, in place Of expensive and polluting resistances. Furthermore, photovoltaic panels have been installed capable of significantly reduce electricity consumption. Finally, an ingenious energy recovery system used in the cooling of the must have been studied (thanks to this system, about 10 cubic meters are burned in less methane to each production). Lately the attention of the brewery has moved to the quality of the water, the main element of beer, of which it constitutes about 90%. The new treatment system is composed of various storage tanks, 6 steel filters, two cardboard filters, two deferitors, an active carbon filter, two softeners and a two-column reverse osmosis system. In this way there are about 700 liters time of pure water. In November 2016 the cooking room is modified and extended. The old boiler from the capacity of 1500l is used only for the amazement, the tino filter is replaced with a new wider of 50 cm with the unloading of the trebbies directly outside the applificio, a new steam boiler is added to be used for the Boiling of the capacity of 2200L and the wirpool tino is raised. All commanded by a 15-inch PLC touch screen with which it is possible to manage the over 30 solenoid valves, the 7 pumps and the three engines present in the system. Mosta production capacity thus changes from 1000L every eight hours to 1500l in eight hours or 3000l in 10 hours.


