
Apicoltura Derosas Massimiliano - Miele di Sardegna

Apicoltura Derosas Massimiliano - Miele di Sardegna

My name is Massimiliano Derosas and I am the owner of the Beekeeping company Derosas Massimiliano. I have been dealing with beekeeping from 31 years but at every new spring season the passion for this activity is renewed. My company has 350 Arnie distributed in 10 different apiaries in order to achieve myelf with different qualities. The production area is Gallura, in the north east of Sardinia, where the spontaneous blooms of the Mediterranean scrubs give honey perfumes and unique flavors, with a delicate, spicy and bitter taste. The production of monoflora honey is possible: asphodel, thistle, wild lavender, rosemary, strawberry bitter.



Die Produkte auf der Messe

  • - Strawberry tree honey

  • - Wild lavender honey

  • - Thistle honey

  • - Orange honey

  • - Asphodel honey

  • - Eucalyptus honey

  • - Mediterranean scrub honey

  • - Cistus honey

  • - Other hive products

  • - Pollen

  • - Propolis

  • - Honey comb


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