
Formaggi dalla Svizzera

Formaggi dalla Svizzera

Swiss cheeses are still produced according to artisan recipes in the various cantons of Switzerland. Dairy are subjected to very rigorous checks by inspectors who verify that throughout the production chain, from the cow to seasoning, the cheeses keep the quality that distinguishes them unaltered. Many Swiss cheeses are of protected denomination of origin, the highest official recognition assigned to a food product. DOP cheeses must respond to a severe disciplinary that delimits its production areas, processing techniques and organoleptic and sensory characteristics. (flavors, perfumes and typical colors of a product). In Switzerland AOC corresponds to the Italian Dop. Almost all Swiss cheeses are produced with raw milk. Raw milk is a milk that has not undergone pasteurization or thermalization processes therefore maintains all the organoleptic properties of cow's milk unaltered, thus maintaining all the nutritional properties of fresh milk the cows are fed only with fresh grass or hay in winter. Eat feed or animal flours are absolutely prohibited. And they do not contain preservatives or added additives almost all are lactose and therefore suitable for those who are intolerant.



Die Produkte auf der Messe

  • - Vaccine cheeses

